Career Coaching


There are four stages of career planning:

  1. Know yourself and what you want
  2. Know what is possible
  3. Make the right decision and set goals
  4. Identify and apply for job opportunities

Sometimes it can be useful to discus your plans with someone else. Broadly Speaking can help you explore career options, work out what you can realistically do, set goals and then support you when applying for positions.

I offer one one one career planning discussions as well as training programs for organisations.

Contact me to find out more and how I can work with you when you are exploring your career or creating and managing a career plan.

People I have met with in the past have said:
“Thank you very much for the time and patience listening to me today. My heart felt very light after our conversation. I have no words to express my feeling, thank you again for the support”

“Thank you, I have much more confidence now, knowing I am on the right track and I have a plan!!”