Career Quizzes

There are a range of career tools, quizzes and online apps that can assist you with thinking about your career.

How Do I Use These Tools?
It is very important to remember that a tool will only give you some indications to your preferences based on your responses and should only be used to assist your thinking or help validate some of your career choices. Your responses to the questions may vary depending on when and where you complete a quiz. For example, if you have just had a fight with your boss and would be happy to work alone in Siberia for a while, that may not be the best time to do a personality test – your responses will be reactive to your current situation and not indicative of your actual preferences. I would also suggest not doing any sort of quiz at the end of your working year, the day before you go on holidays, or the day before you go back to work, as your results are likely to be skewed. Try and complete these quizzes when you are at home and you are not reacting to your work (or holiday) situation.

As you go through life, your preferences can also change – you are not defined by a quiz result! Remember these tool are just designed to help your thinking and give you a few ideas.

Making Use of your Results
Once you have completed some quizzes or used some tools, you should make sure you record, or print out your results, into your Career Journal and use the information to assist you in building a successful and satisfying career.

Career Quiz
This quiz is great for school leavers and those in career transition. A series of 16 questions to answer and then your results are displayed. You can investigate various career options by following the links in your results. This quiz has been put together by the Australian Government, who have a range of great resources to support job seekers.