2016 Workshops, Expos and Conferences

Have you planned your development activities for the latter half of the year?

I’m very pleased to announce that there are three public workshops on offer this year through Broadly Speaking:

The numbers in the workshops are small and this means that you will be able to ask questions and hear from other participants. Workshops are interactive in nature, and if you come along, expect to have some fun, learn some new information and share your ideas with others. Attending a Broadly Speaking workshop is never a dull event.

There are also two great career expos coming up:

Attending and Expo is a great way to scan the available options for learning, development and employment. I highly recommend attending at least one careers expo in your life, they can energise you and give you new ideas for where you might take your career.

You might also consider attending a conference if your Professional Association or industry group organises such events. I also recommend helping to organise a conference, they are great networking opportunities as well as tremendous learning and development events, not to mention how good it looks on your resume!

(Adrianne about to present at the ALIA NLS2006 Conference)

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