Career Shop

Broadly Speaking offers a range of products:

  • Personalised Job Search Coaching
  • Resume and selection criteria document review
  • Interview coaching
  • LinkedIn Profile Creation and Review
  • Writing journals
  • Career workbooks
  • Speaking coaching
  • Meeting leadership coaching
  • Free resources

If you would like to discuss any of these products please send an email.


Personalised Job Search Coaching

Spend a few hours with Adrianne refining your job search strategy, review your resume, learn how to write outstanding cover letters and application documents, practice for the interview and land the job you want. To organise your personal coaching session tailored to your individual goals email Adrianne to discuss your options.

Cover Letter, Resume and Selection Criteria Document Review
Prices vary depending on the amount of work required, the type of role and how much experience you have. Contact me to discuss your circumstance and negotiate a price and time frame.

Interview Coaching
Face to face interview coaching over a one to two hour session.

LinkedIn Profile Creation and Review
In a modern era using a LinkedIn Profile can assist build your professional reputation and assist with job seeking and networking.  This service will create a professional profile and can also review and update existing profiles.

Free Publications
10 Tips for Getting that Job
Panel presentation in 2012 to Australian Librarian and Information Association (ALIA) Sydney group

Mind Mapping for Career Success
Presented at the 2004 Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) New Librarian’s Conference